Systemic Supervision, Coaching and Counselling in Berlin

Clara Thoms - systemic therapist, supervisor and professional coach in Berlin

Systemic Supervision

In supervision, I create an empathic, power-critical and non-judgemental framework for reflecting on your professional actions. The main goals are to increase the quality of work and well-being at work. My approach and methods are systemic, i.e. resource- and solution-oriented, questioning and with open outcomes. I always take social structures into account.

Supervision can take place with a team at a workplace, with the management level, with individuals or in a group with people in similar jobs at different workplaces.

I work with people from different professional fields, e.g. from the social sector, psychosocial counseling, educational or youth institutions.

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Systemic Coaching

In systemic coaching, we deal with a specific issue from the work context. We work in a structured process with a limited number of sessions and a clearly defined goal. I guide the process in a solution- and resource-oriented, empathic and power-critical way.

Professional coaching can focus, for example, on changes in professional roles, acquiring leadership qualities, appreciative and goal-oriented communication, dealing with conflicts and different social positioning, identities and background experiences in the workplace, self-care, protecting your free time and much more.

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Couples and Poly Counselling

I support people in different relationship constellations as a couple, but also as a polycule, friends, flatmates, siblings, etc. in multi-person settings. I want to make a difference and offer a space in which things can be discussed that are otherwise difficult to talk about.

I see conflicts as challenging situations in which we can grow. I work in a impartial way, open to different outcomes and also take structural social dimensions into account. I am queer and kink-friendly and see different relationship models as equal.


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Team days, Workshops, Trainings, Group Supervision, Specialized Counselling

On request, I organize team days, workshops and trainings on various topics, such as dealing with different social positionings in the team, offer supervision groups, e.g. for queer couple counsellors, and specialized counselling on queer and trans issues as well as anti-discrimination in the workplace, among other things.

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About me

My name is Clara Thoms (she/they) and I am a licenced Systemic Therapist (SG), Social Justice and Diversity Trainer (FH Potsdam) and Supervisor Since 2016 I've been working as a psychosocial counselor at a queer counseling center in Berlin.

I am trans femme, non-binary, dyadic, white, German, middle class and able-bodied. I work in an empathetic, empowering, challenging and power-critical way.

My offer is only for self-paying clients, since unfortunately I can’t work with the health insurances. Sessions can take place on site in Berlin-Neukölln, at your place of work or another location provided by you, online or by phone and can be in English or German.
